
Cloud Partners

At Mongrov, we understand the importance of seamless integration within your existing cloud infrastructure. That's why we've established strong partnerships with industry-standard and widely adopted cloud service providers (CSPs). This ensures that ThingzCloud, our powerful IoT data management solution, integrates effortlessly with your preferred cloud environment.

Together, We Can


Speed Up Integration

Forget complex integrations and long development cycles. ThingzCloud's native compatibility with industry-leading cloud platforms minimizes setup time and gets you started on your IoT initiatives faster.


Drive Innovation

Focus on developing groundbreaking IoT applications, not struggling with complex integrations.


Maximize Scalability

Benefit from the combined power of ThingzCloud's robust data management capabilities and the limitless scalability of your chosen cloud platform.

Benefits of Our Cloud Partnerships


Industry-Leading Compatibility

Integrate ThingzCloud seamlessly with the cloud platforms you already trust and rely on, including AWS, Azure, Google, Oracle among many others.


Simplified Data Flow

Eliminate data silos and streamline data transfer between your devices, ThingzCloud, and your chosen cloud platform, ensuring a unified view of your entire IoT ecosystem.


Simplified Deployment

Leverage existing cloud expertise and resources for a smoother onboarding experience.


Enhanced Scalability

Easily scale your ThingzCloud deployment alongside your cloud infrastructure to accommodate future growth.


High Security

Benefit from the robust security and data governance features offered by your chosen cloud provider.


Reduced Operational Costs

Eliminate the need for managing separate on-premises infrastructure for your IoT data.

Mongrov's Cloud Partners

A True Cloud Agnostic IoT Platform
