
Hardware Partners

The Internet of Things (IoT) offers immense opportunities, yet integrating numerous devices from different manufacturers often poses significant challenges. Imagine managing a dozen distinct devices, each with its own communication protocols and compatibility requirements. This time- consuming task can impede the progress of your innovative ideas.

Become a Partner

Introducing Mongrov’s Streamlined Device Ecosystem

At Mongrov, we recognize the critical need for effortless device integration. That’s why we’ve developed a robust network of trusted device partners. Partnering with Mongrov eliminates the hassle of finding compatible devices and understanding their functionalities. Our pre-integrated device ecosystem ensures seamless compatibility between your chosen hardware and our powerful IoT data management suite of products. Here’s what this means for you:


Enhanced Efficiency

Skip the time-consuming processes of compatibility testing and device selection. Mongrov’s pre-vetted ecosystem offers a wide range of high-quality devices, allowing you to focus on developing groundbreaking IoT solutions.


Accelerated Time-to-Market

Overcome integration roadblocks and expedite project execution. With pre-tested devices, you can quickly connect your hardware to our product suite, significantly speeding up your time-to-market.


Unimpeded Innovation

Avoid getting bogged down by device compatibility issues. Partnering with Mongrov frees you to concentrate on your core competency—creating innovative solutions and delivering exceptional value to your customers.


Enhanced Reliability

Our rigorous testing processes ensure consistent performance and reliability within the Mongrov ecosystem. This means less troubleshooting and greater peace of mind for you.

Beyond Seamless Integration

A Mutually Beneficial Partnership for Device OEMs

While Mongrov simplifies device integration for users, we also foster a thriving ecosystem that empowers device manufacturers (OEMs). If you’re an OEM developing cutting-edge hardware for the IoT market, consider partnering with Mongrov. We offer:


Reduced Development Time

Integrate your devices with ThingzCloud efficiently using our well-documented APIs and Software Development Kits (SDKs). This saves valuable development resources, allowing you to focus on creating innovative hardware solutions.


Global Market Reach

Leverage Mongrov’s established market presence to reach a wider audience. Our global network of customers and partners provides opportunities to showcase your devices to a diverse, innovation-driven market.


Amplified Device Value

Integrating with ThingzCloud makes your devices more versatile and valuable to potential customers. Our platform offers powerful data management, analytics, and visualization capabilities, unlocking new possibilities for data-driven insights and intelligent decision-making.


Joint Marketing and Sales Initiatives

Partner with Mongrov to co-create compelling marketing campaigns that highlight the combined power of your devices and our platform. We can also explore joint sales initiatives, leveraging our network to generate qualified leads for your devices.


Dedicated Technical Support

Our team of experts is here to assist you in integrating your devices with ThingzCloud and troubleshoot any technical challenges. We provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth and successful partnership.

A Collaborative Approach to Fostering Innovation

At Mongrov, we believe in fostering collaborative partnerships. We work closely with our device partners to understand their specific needs and challenges. We offer:


Workshops and Training Programs

We collaborate to develop training programs and workshops that educate potential customers about the combined value proposition of your devices and ThingzCloud.


Co-creation of Industry-Specific Solutions

We work with you to develop pre- configured solutions that address specific industry pain points and demonstrate the power of your devices integrated with ThingzCloud.


Early Access to New Features and Technologies

As a valued partner, you gain early access to new features and technologies within ThingzCloud, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and develop even more innovative solutions.

Ready to Simplify Your IoT Journey?

Explore Mongrov’s pre-integrated device ecosystem and discover how it can streamline your project development. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and find the perfect hardware to power your innovative IoT solution.

Become a Mongrov Device Partner

Are you a leading device OEM developing cutting-edge hardware for the IoT market? We invite you to join our thriving partner ecosystem. By partnering with Mongrov, you gain access to a powerful platform, a global network, and a team dedicated to your success. Let’s work together to unlock the full potential of your devices and accelerate the future of IoT.
